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Friday, 15 March 2013

THE 14 TEST OF GENUINE LOVE...by Andy Kwas. BB PIN 2326600E

Love is not a feeling. Love is not sex. Love is not goose bumps. Love is not instant likeness. For Love to be what it is, it must be subjected to 14 different types of test. An untested love is not real. Let me now show you how.

1. THE GIVING TEST: Are you in the relationship to seek your happiness or your mates happiness? A marriage made in heaven is between 2 givers. A marriage made in hell is between 2 takers. If your Love cannot give and let go, it's not true Love.

2. THE FORGIVENESS TEST: Offense must come. Your partner will hurt you. Loving without being hurt is like passing out waste without expecting your assistance to smell. But the issue is, Can the 2 of you settle any quarrel without introducing a 3rd party? Can you laugh again after you just faught? Can both of you forgive each other and move on? True Love will forgive no matter the offense.

3. THE TIME TEST: How does he/she behave when they are angry? What is their character like? These are things you can never know in a hurry. Time proves things. Never rush a relationship. Take it slow & watch things unfold. You need time to see who both of you really are. You can never know each other in a hurry.

4. THE ADMIRATION TEST: Do you admire each other enough or merely telorating each other? Is the person proud of you no matter what? No matter how silly you may look, you are somebody's hero. If it's genuine love, you will both admire each other.

5. THE EXCITMENT TEST: Can you both end time with each other without any form of intimacy? Do you feel excited about spending time together without touching, kising or romance? Are you in love with him/her as a person or simply in love with his or her container (breast, good shape, money)? Genuine love will always be excited to be with his or her partner in the absence of intimacy.

6. THE ACCEPTANCE TEST: Can you accept this person just the way they are without trying to change them? Can you love him/her along with their dirty habits? If your love always seeks to change each other, it is not genuine.

7. THE REVELATION TEST: When your partner is under pressure, does he/she take things calmly or is like a dynamite? (Don't make up your mind until you can study your partner under pressure. Pressure brings out the inner person and shows what is in the heart.) Hint: If there is no pressure create one and see how the person reacts.

8. THE COMPANIONSHIP TEST: Does he/she invest on spending time with you and enjoys doing so or they are just telorating your presence? True love does not telorate each other. It enjoys each other.

9. CONDITION TEST: This is Love without a reason. Can you care for each other no matter what the conditions; financial, physical health. Ask yourself will you still love him if he loses his high-paying job? Will you still love her if she gains 20 pounds? True Love can love and will still Love no matter what.

10. SECURITY TEST: This is basically trust. Can you trust this person when you are not together? Can you trust him when he is away on a business trip? Can you trust her when she is on a "Ladies night out"? Genuine Love can trust no matter what.

11. HONESTY TEST: Can you speak openly with each other? Can you tell your partner anything and not feel as though you\'re revealing too much? True love and telling the truth at all times is all about feeling good about yourself and your relationship – an open and trusting relationship.

12. COMPATIBILITY TEST: Do you and your partner have similar values about life and attitudes about your lifestyle? When thinking about this be sure to consider the importance of family, friends, children, work and sex. You can have independent INTERESTS, but your values should be very closely aligned. As the relationship progresses, this attribute of true love will become more and more apparent and important.

13. COMMUNICATION TEST: Communication is perhaps the number one component of true love. Can you share your deepest fears and dreams, and feel heard, understood and appreciated by your partner? Can the 2 of you resolve your problem without shouting or fighting or a 3rd part? Can you smoothly talk? Does he listen? Does she listen?

14. COMMITMENT TEST: Do you both have a strong desire to make the relationship last a lifetime and work despite disagreements, stresses and the everyday strains of life? There will be times when it may seem so much easier to just break up, but if it\'s true love both you and your partner will want to work hard to make it work. True love is always committed. Please share this post and drop your comment our Facebook Fanpage, De Love Guru Fanpage. Please do it now.

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My name is Andy Kwas & I am De Love Guru skilled in the art of Love and relationship bliss. Welcome to my world.


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