Here is a chance for you to peep into your man’s mind and tell if he really loves you. How will you know if he's made up his mind that you're the one? Let's talk.
1. LISTEN TO HOW HE TALKS ABOUT THE FUTURE. His future once meant he had a date on Saturday night, but with you, he's seeing long-term. When he plans his next vacation, he finds himself making plans with you in them, and when his best friend got married 6 month ago, you were his date.
2. HE IS MAKING ROOM FOR YOU IN HIS LIFE. Other priorities take a back seat to you, well, because you're more important than them. If he enjoys fitting you into his busy (or not-so-busy) life, that means he values your companionship.
3. HE IS SOFT WHEN HE COMES TO YOU. See if he is softening up when it comes to you. Instead of insisting on getting his way, he doesn’t mind compromising today. This means he understands the give-and-take of relationships, and feels good about giving a little if it means you're happy or listened to.
4. HIS GIVES YOU HIS SPARE TIME. Note if his spare time is mostly time spent with you. He looks forward to seeing you, and it doesn’t matter what the two of you do as long as he gets to spend time with you. When he's with you, he doesn't need distractions because you're more than distracting just the way you are.
5. OBSERVE WHAT GETS HIS ATTENTION. You're not asking to be the center of his universe — at least not yet! — but you do want to make sure that his priorities have shifted, and that those priorities take you into consideration.
6. IS THERE SPARKS. Note the sparks. You have great chemistry—you can’t be in love with someone without chemistry. Chemistry can be as little as the same tendencies or as big as the same frame of mind. Without planning it, you two tend to mesh.
7. SEE YOURSELF THROUGH HIS EYES. He’s finding out more and more that he likes you just the way you are, and he doesn't stay mad long when you have a disagreement.
He finds your quirks charming—the fact that you snort when you start laughing hard, for example, is unbelievably charming.
8. HE WANTS TO KNOW YOU. Watch to see if he asks questions about you. You can tell that he’s falling in love with you because he wants to find out everything about you. He wants to know where you come from, who your parents are, what you think about and why, and what makes you laugh. He asks these questions like he genuinely cares about the answer, and he remembers your answers, too.
9. YOU ARE ALWAYS ON HIS MIND. Notice whether his thoughts keep coming back to you. He can’t stop thinking about you—he is consumed by thoughts of you. You pop in his head for no reason, and he even wonders if you think of him as much as he does of you.
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Dear luv guru I belive what u said in this blog. Keep it up
Thanks Sir Ebuka
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