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Monday, 11 March 2013


Below are young teenage mothers and wife’s telling their Secret Abortion Stories and the Confessions from Former Abortionists. Hear from their own mouth now.

1) FORMER ABORTIONIST, ANTHONY M.D., says, "I want the general public to know that the doctors know that this baby is a person, this is a baby they are killing. That this is not some kind of blob of tissue . . ."

2) FORMER ABORTIONIST, DAVID M.D., says, "As a doctor, my heart got callous against the fact that I was a murderer, but that baby lying in a cold bowl educated me to what abortion really was. I have taken the lives of innocent babies and I have ripped them from their mother's wombs with a powerful vacuum machine. I hope God forgives me."

3) LORA: “Two weeks after the abortion, I went into labor. I staggered into the bathroom. And there, with my husband beside me, I delivered a part of my baby the doctor had missed. It was the head of my baby. . .” “I’ll wake up in the middle of the night, thinking I hear a baby crying. And I still have nightmares in which I am forced to watch my baby being ripped apart in front of me. I simply miss my baby. I constantly wake up wanting to nurse my child, wanting to hold my child. And that’s something the doctor never told me I would experience.”  

 4) NANA: “I was 18 when I got pregnant. At three months pregnant, I had an abortion. About seven years later… my heart broke. I was so overcome with grief. How could I have taken the life of my unborn child? I was told that I would be out in 8 minutes and I would feel only a little discomfort afterwards. They lied; it ruined 10 years of my life.” 

5) STEPHANIE: “I was deceived because I was not told the truth about what an abortion means to the life of an unborn baby. I was not told that at 10 weeks (which is when I had my abortion) my child was already fully formed. I was made to believe that I was doing something that was as natural as going to the dentist for a teeth cleaning.” 

6) HELEN: “The suction machine was turned on, causing tremendous pain. I was frightened, it hurt so much. I wanted to scream. I wanted it to stop. I am hurting but then I suddenly realized there was a baby inside that was hurting much more. They were killing my baby!” 

7) MARGARET: “If you abort your child, this child will haunt you the rest of your life because no other child can replace him. Your problems will multiply, not disappear. Talk to others who have had abortions, who have chosen not to abort, who have found other ways to give life instead of death to their children. Abortion is wrong. Even if you don’t believe that for sure, wouldn’t it be smarter to err on the side of life? Abortion is irreversible – once it’s done, you have no more options.” 

8) SONYA: Sonya had an abortion and advises other women “Don’t do it. Regret of a permanent decision is like watching a sad movie over and over again and hoping the ending will change – but it never will. As Whitney Houston sang in a song, “Don’t Throw Away Your Miracle!” 

Finally: If you have ever aborted or supported the abortion of a baby, then please hear this. A young man who died and came back to life had a visit to both heaven and hell. On his heavenly tour, he said, "I was taken to a large hall in heaven where I saw thousands of babies. Then I was told that these are the babies that were aborted on earth". I have news for you. If you ever make it to heaven someday, you will meet the baby whom you denied life. Hear a serious message Jesus finally gave him for us all: "Tell anyone that when they abort a baby or support the abortion of a baby, a part of their life is also cut short. Meaning they will NEVER live their full length of years on earth till they repent and confess their evil to JESUS and then what they lost will be restored back to them. Why not do this right now or talk to me via a private chat either on BB or whatsapp. I will be glad to attend to you. Jesus Loves You and he wants you saved. Thanks.

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My name is Andy Kwas & I am De Love Guru.


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One the 22nd & 23rd of November, 2013, I will hold a BBM Group Chat Class with anyone who want to be a part of it.

6 Reasons Why I Want You To Attend A BBM Group Class with me.

1. If you have not found Mr. or Mrs Right, I know exactly what to tell you to "find" or be "found" in a minimum of 1years from now. Come & See 4 yourself!

2. Are U pretty, decent & hot but still unmarried? I know exactly why you are still unmarried & I can help you settle down in a minimum of 1year from now. Believe me!

3. I know why people experience delays in Life, Biz or Marital & I want to show you d different types of delays, their causes & the way out.

4. You don't ve' to travel anywhere to attend this meeting. Just sit down in your home & attend this meeting. All you need is your Bb phone handy.

5. You don't have to reveal your identity to others no matter how old you are. You can use any available user name to attend the meeting.

6. Lastly, I am not just teaching. I will help hook up everyone attending this chat class who may needs my help. I have a dating website & hooking up singles for me is piece of cake.

*Everyone who have failed or experienced one form of delay in Life, Marital or Biz.

*Anyone seeking to settle down soon In marriage, possibly in 1year from now.

*Anyone having challenges in getting into a stable relationship.

*You have to first Register to be able to Join the Bbm Group Chat class with me.

To register, follow these 5 simple steps

*Step1: Registration Fee is N2000

*Step2: Pay it into
Acct-Name: Anyim Christian Ezinwa.
Acct-Num: 2017212258
Bank: First Bank.

Step3: Ping once you have paid and send your details (your Bb Pin & teller Number to this Pin:3331963B so we can add you to the group.

Step4: Your have registered.

*Register b4 Fri the 22nd, the day the class will start. So many people have registered already. The spaces are very limited now! Don't miss this life changing meeting.

Conference Venue: Here on your mobile phone, In a group chat. You. Don't need to go anywhere or leave where you are. Just hold your phone, enter the group chat and join in the chat.

*Follow me on Twitter @AndyQwas
*My Bbm Pin: 3331963B.

*Give someone my details so they could be a part of this meeting. I am De Love Guru

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