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Sunday, 3 March 2013


Don't let anyone lie to you that you cannot be married 6 months from today. I am De Love Guru and I have taught many single ladies who applied these truths am about to teach you now and are presently happily married. Here is what I taught them. Let's talk heart2heart:

13 Sure Steps to get married in 6 month

1. CHECK THE SPIRITUAL. Alice had almost given up on marriage when we met. She was 36 with countless disappointments from men yet her beauty is extremely staggering. The first question I asked her after she narrated her relationship woes to me was, "Have you checked your spiritual foundation?" Her reply was "Not really". Finally I took her through series of questions to help her unravel her spiritual foundation and we prayed using the name of Jesus Christ to deal with Ancient altars that have spoken against her destiny for many years. The very next week after we prayed intensely, it's like all the men who has ever dated her came back begging and crying to marry her. It was a sight to behold. Finally she made her choice and is happily married. May question to you is, "Have you checked the spiritual too"? Most problem have their root in the reaml of the spirit. Make sure what is holding you back from getting married is not a spiritual problem. One way to know is to check out for patterns in the family and problems that have defied all medical or physical inputes. If the pattern runs across your other siblings, there is the likelihood that it’s a spiritual problem. If it is, then let me know. Check my contact for my details and reach me.

2. DO AN AUTOPSY ON YOUR PAST RELATIONSHIPS. You need to find out WHY your past relationships have not worked. Ask, "Why didn't they work? Look at things honestly. If it's hours fault, learn from your mistakes. There is no future till the past is fully unravelled.

3. ACKNOWLEDGED WHAT YOU OWN IN A RELATIONSHIP. If you look at relationships that haven't worked, the common denominator is YOU! That means you own part of the problem because in life, you create your own experience and control the choices you make. Your behavior and decisions have consequences. Find out what consequences your decisions landed you into and take responsibility for them.

4. BE YOU YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF. Your authentic self is who you are when you have no fear of judgment, or before the world starts pushing you around and telling you who you're supposed to be. Your fictional self is who you are when you have a mask on to please everyone else — and it doesn't work if you're looking for a lasting relationship. Be your real self and be true to your authentic self, not your fictional self.

5. CHANGED YOUR INTERNAL DIALOGUE — Internal dialogue is what you have been telling yourself when no one is listening but yourself. For example, you have been saying in your head, "I am not beautiful". "I am not handsome", "I already 38. Which man will still marry me? "All men are cheat", "All women cannot be trusted", "Am too old now", "How can one possibly marry 6 months from now? Is it really possible like the love Guru said? These internal dialogue are many and they play differently in everyone's head. The problem with internal dialogue is that if these internal message are negative, they will show up in your life in time and program you in line with what is playing in your head.

6. NEVER CHANGE YOURSELF FOR THE PERSON YOU ARE DATING. THIS IS A COMMON MISTAKES SINGLES MAKE. When you do that, you're not being true to who you are, and it will bite you in the rear.

7. DECIDED WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU'RE LOOKING FOR? PUT YOURSELF IN A TARGET-RICH ENVIRONMENT? For example, if you're looking for a man who loves the Club, go there. And if you're not looking for a Holy Ghost man like me, don't go to a club to find such a man. People like us don't go to club. Who do you want? What are you looking for? Frequent such environment till you find such a man.

8. CHECK THE SIGNALS YOU HAVE BEEN SENDING OUT WITHOUT KNOWING. UNDERSTAND THAT ONLY 7 PERCENT OF COMMUNICATION IS VERBAL.  For every thought you have, there's a physiological reaction. Become aware of the signals you are sending out. Desperation, for example, comes through in non-verbal communication.

9. UNDERSTAND THAT YOU DONT HAVE TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP TO BE WHOLE. It is better to be happy alone than sick with someone else. The most important relationship you can ever  have is the one you have with yourself.

10. DON'T PUT PRESSURE ON YOURSELF. There is no need. Stop telling yourself you must get a ring on your finger. This attitude of attaching MUST to your choice can lead you in a part you never thought was possible. Don't put pressure on yourself. Don’t make marriage a do or die affair.

11. MAKE SURE YOU ARE AVAILABLE. Be visible. Be seen. You have to be visible to be seen. To say you are and not act like you are is as good as not being available. Look at your life and ask yourself if you're leaving time to meet someone. Would someone have to throw himself on the hood of your car to cross paths with you and get your attention? Go where you can be seen Esther had to go where Boaz could see her. Stop hiding yourself. Go to weddings and parad yourself till you catches someone's attention. Be visible.

12. PRAY: Pray about your desire and be sure that God will give you what you seek because He loves you.

13. DON'T ACT DESPERATE. Send a message that you "want to" be in a relationship — not that you've "got to." Even if you hear your biological clock, it need not tick loudly enough for every eligible man to hear it! If you will diligently harken to these truths and practice them, you will call me soon to invite me to your wedding. Now drop your comments below now. I am De Love Guru.


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Great Suggestion!!
I do agree with you.

Vashikaran Specialists

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