Let me help someone resolve a question countless number of woman ask me almost everyday. The question is, "why won't he commit?" To answer this question, let me now show you 16 Types of men that will be tough to get into the commitment fold. Hopefully, you can spot one of these type of men early in the relationship so you can move on to the guy who is ready to commit.
1. THE NARCCIST: Beware of the guy who talks about himself too much, looks too perfect and works on building his image superficially. He won't commit to you because he's too committed to himself.
2. THE SCHOOL BOY: A boy is a boy and won't commit soon. The reason is, he is a boy and is yet to grow up. A senseless girl in her mid twenties once said to me in a chat, "I know he is just 23 and in his first year in the University but I will wait for him". Ladies listen: It takes a certain amount of maturity to get to the point of commitment, so don't hold your breath if you're dating a guy afflicted with chronic immaturity.
3. THE UNORGANIZED STUD. This guy lacks the ability to plan and is very disorganized. He's constantly trying to make ends meet, and always feeling like there's so much he has to do before he can commit. In his mind there's a bright tunnel ahead of him, the only problem is that it's a long, long road to that tunnel. As far as "unorganized stud" is concern, there is no time for love until he is settled though that which he seeks may take him years to accomplish.
4. THE COMFORT SEEKER: Many men will not commit until they are financially comfortable. To them, commitment means dates, gifts, a ring and eventually the altar. When it comes to finances, guys are super-careful and practical. Some guys are so practical that money issues can trump love if everything doesn't line up right.
5. THE CELEBRITY: These are the pro athletes, rock stars and great celebrities of the world. It's great to land one of these guys, but you're probably nervous the whole time that he'll stray. When a guy can hook up with basically any girl he wants, he probably won't commit. And, if he does, it's a risky commitment.
6. THE DOG. This man is simply a dog looking for anything in skirt to pounce on.
Many men are out for sex...as much sex as they can get. Committing to one woman pretty much ruins this objective. And if a dog commits to a woman, sometimes she can't keep up with his voracious sexual appetite, so he'll be gone.
7. THE WORKAHOLIC MAN: Workaholic men put in the long hours and have no time to think of a woman, let alone commit. They'd rather be in the office, problem solving and making tons of cash.
8. THE BAGGAGE CARRIER: This man will keep swearing off new relationships because of past pain and anguish caused by a rejection or intense breakup in his past. He says to himself, "If I don't commit, I don't open myself up to getting hurt again, right"? He's had very bad experiences with past friend especially the female folks or he's a child of divorce. Unresolved pain in his past can prevent him from committing.
9. THE PLAYER: Once a guy commits, he will lose the right to date other women. Most guys try to hold on to this right as long as they can, especially when they are not sure what they are looking for. I have a friend who is rich, in his forties and yet won't commit to any woman.
10. DOUBLE VISION MAN: Simply put, this guy has someone else. It's hard for a guy to commit to one woman if he's got more than one woman on his mind. Imagine trying to commit if you had a couple of guys on your mind.
11. THE WEIGHT LIFTER: In life, it's tough to balance love, family, work, etc. If there are things in his life that demand more attention than his love life, he'll commit to the other stuff and deal with love when he can.
12. MR. FEARFUL. He's Afraid It Won't Work Out. Committing involves risk to him. You are essentially taking a plunge, and investing energy in the relationship. Some people feel that it's not worth a try unless it's 100% certain it will work out. But, you can never really be that sure of things, and that unknown keeps Mr. Fearful from committing.
13. MR. COLD FEET. None of His Friends Have Committed. If you are able to get the first guy of his group of friends to commit, I commend you. Most of guys want to commit eventually, but they don't want to be the first one, and there is respect among guys for the last single guy in the group.
14. THE SEX HUNTER: Sadly, some guys are just out to conquer women. Keep a close eye on things so you're not a victim of conquesting. Beware of a sex hunter.
15. THE FUN SEEKER: He's Not into You Enough to Commit. He may be seeing you as a fun person to date, but may never have thought of you as someone he had call a wife. See what a guy said to me about a woman he had dated for 5 years, "Yes she's such a nice friend but I don't see her as the mother of my kids". And he pointed at someone else. It's tough to swallow when this is the situation.
16. THE ESCAPIST: You're Pressuring Him Too Much to Commit so he's on the run. If he's going to commit, let him come to that moment on his own. If you continue to bring it up, he may become bitter, disturbed, annoyed and may escape. Let him come to the decision to commit naturally on his own, and not because he was pressured to do so.
Now you know the 15 Types of men that won't commit and why. One of the biggest factors in the success of a relationship is timing. Read up my next post on "How to get him to commit and Thank you for it". Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/AndyQwas and recommend my BB PIN 2326600E to someone. Now drop your comment below now. I am De Love Guru.
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