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Sunday, 3 March 2013


If Love blinds your eyes, character will open your eyes. Stop fooling along and blindly screaming "Am in love". Look again and be sure he or she is what you really want". A man with an untested character is more dangerous than a wounded lion. These activity will help you look more objectively at the character of someone you feel romantically attracted to. Look before you leap.

1. Does this person treat me with kindness and courtesy?

2. Does this person ever shove, shake, hit or in other ways bully me?

3. Is this person self-centered, always expecting to get their own way?

4. Does this person bring out the best in me? Do I feel happy after spending time together?

5. Does this person respect my values, and never pressure me to do something I think is wrong?
Share my values and respect my limits concerning sex?

6. Is this person overly jealous and possessive, keeping me from spending time with my family and friends?

7. Does this person tell the truth to me and others?

8. Does this person have good judgment? How much do I trust him/her?

9. Does this person use drugs or alcohol?

10. Does this person Look at pornography?

11. Does this person this person treat and talk about his/her parents with respect?

12. Does this person treat and talk about my parents/family with respect?

13. Does this person treat his/her friends in a positive way?

14. Does this person treat my friends in a positive way?

15. Does this person spread stories and rumors about other people?

16. Is this person a hard worker?

17. Is this person Patient and forgiving--able to make up quickly after an argument?

18. If faith is important in my life, is it important in theirs?

19. Would I be proud to call this person my husband or wife?

20. Would this person be a good role model for my (future) children--an example of good character?
Would I want my kids to grow up to be like him/her? Now drop your comment below now.


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