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Wednesday, 6 March 2013


Before You Say "I Do" Make Sure You Are Saying "I Do" for the Right Reasons or else there is no need saying "I Do" when you should be saying "I Don't". If you see yourself in any of these 16 reasons I have listed below, take your time to work through each problem area before you say, "I Do." They are the wrong reasons why people get married.

1. YOU ARE LONELY: Marriage is not the cure for loneliness. There are more lonely married couples than singles. Being lonely is not being alone. Someone can be alone and not be lonely but someone can't be lonely without being alone. If you are alone, what you need is a partner. But if you are lonely, what you need is not a partner. You need Jesus Christ to help fill the emptiness you now feel within. Loneliness is a spiritual longing for God. Get Jesus now.

2. YOU WANT TO LEAVE WHERE YOU ARE. You want to get married to get out of your parents house. What's choking you in your parents house? You don't like the way they have been talking and insulting you? Where are you running to? So you think marriage is the way out? If you are getting married because you are tired of where you are, then I bet you, you are in for the shock of your life.

3. YOU FEEL EMPTY. You want to get married to fill the emptiness you feel inside. Who told you that marriage will fill the inner emptiness you feel in your heart? When people feel empty inside, they start doing crazy things like serious masturbation, getting into pornography, drugs, excessive sex, clubbing or whatever they depend on when they are feeling emotional. When you feel empty inside, understand that nothing external can fill your heart. You need to understand that God is actually calling you back to a closer relationship with HIM at such moments. He wants you.

4. GETTING BACK AT SOMEONE. You want to get married to make someone jealous or to get even with someone. You want to prove to your ex that you are still hot without him so now you want to get married at any COST just to prove a point. Nonsense! Believe me, there is no need.

5. YOU CAN’T WAIT TO WEAR WHITE GOWN. You want to get married because you are simply dying to plan your dream wedding. Your wedding is a day; a marriage is a lifetime. You don't just want to be married, you want to be happily married. Think about the next 50 years. Put at least the same amount of time and effort that you are using to plan your wedding into planning your marriage.

6. DESPERATE. You want to get married because you want to DESPERATELY be a bride, wear a beautiful dress, open lots of presents and go on a dream honeymoon. What a lying spirit.

7. SCARED OF LOSING SOMEONE-  Checking his phone? You don't trust him! Visiting his friends, you believe he's cheating. Why are you with him? Or you really don't think he's "like" that, but you still check his phone anyway, just in case. The last thing a man wants, married or unmarried is an insecure woman! Know who you are in Christ! Receive the right standing He gave you when he died for you! Never get married because you are scared of loosing someone.

8. THEY ARE LOOKING FOR A FATHER FIGURE. You are used to people taking care of you.. so you want your man to be your daddy but after that person nags you all day, then taps on your shoulder at night for sex.. you don't want to have sex with a father figure! Yuck! A man can look into your eyes and tell that you're NEEDY and that taking you on is full responsibility and no man wants that.

9. YOU  WANT TO HAVE SEX. Wanting to have sex is not enough reason to marry. Sex is too weak a foundation to build a marriage relationship on. You better deal with that spirit of lust before you get married because it'll creep back up during your marriage. This is one reason why people cheat in marriage.

10. YOU WANT TO GET CITIZENSHIP OR HELP A FRIEND GET ONE. It may sound like a nice thing to do, but marrying a friend (or a stranger) to help him obtain U.S. citizenship has really scary consequences. Even if you don't get caught and go to jail, don't marry just because you are looking for papers.

11. ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE GETTING MARRIED. From ages 25 to 30, it seems like everyone on the planet are getting married except you and attending countless weddings is not only frustrating, it can make you feel left out. Try to remember that rhetorical question your grandmother so wisely asked you at a young age: "If everyone decided to jump off a cliff, would you do it too?"

12. YOU'RE GETTING CLOSE TO 30 (OR 40, 50, ETC.) and TIME IS RUNNING OUT. The loud ticking of a woman's biological clock has no doubt influenced many women to get married. However, life is not a game of Musical Chairs and planning to settling down with someone just because you're getting older is a recipe for marital disaster.

13. YOU WANT SOMEONE TO SUPPORT YOU. You want get married because you want someone to support you. You are so funny. What a selfish agenda you have carefully plotted out with your tiny wisdom. Who told you this is why people get married? Rushing into marriage with someone only because he's financially stable is not a good idea. Just because he's Mr. Moneybag now doesn't mean he will always be Mr. Moneybag. Things change you know.

14. BECAUSE REWARDS ONLY COME WITH RISK. If you're so unsure enough about the idea of getting married that you mainly think of it as a risk, you absolutely should wait. Of course, a little faith is necessary in all relationships, but it's also vital that you feel a lot of confidence and comfort with your partner before you swap vows. If you're feeling unsure now, those emotions will likely only be amplified once you've sign that marriage contract.

15. YOU'RE PREGNANT. Unexpectedly getting pregnant can be a scary situation to find yourself in. If you and your partner are not ready, then it's better to keep dating and not rush into anything while raising your child. What's most important is that the baby is raised by two loving parents, regardless of whether you're married or not. After all, getting married prematurely won't make getting pregnant prematurely any easier.

16. YOU ARE  IN LOVE. Being in love is a beautiful thing, don't get me wrong. However, just because you're in love doesn't necessarily mean you have to get married. Besides love, a lot of other factors are important to consider when deciding whether to get married. Are you both financially secure? Do you agree on vital life issues, like where to live and whether you want kids or not? Have you been together for more than nine months? These questions are all important to consider, too.

What's your reason for not getting married? Share your thoughts with everyone in the comment box below! Talk to me also. Share this post with your friends.


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