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Sunday 10 November 2013

20 TOP DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LOVE AND INFATUATION By Andy Qwas. BB Pin: 3331963B, Twitter @AndyQwas

It’s amazing how much Hollywood has influenced your thinking and mine on the concept of what love is and what it’s not. Sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference between falling in love with someone, and being infatuated with them. The list below contains the top differences between love and infatuation and will help those who are having trouble discerning the difference.

1. Infatuation starts overnight and can also die overnight. Love starts slowly, grows and gets stronger with time

2. Infatuation has little or no depth but Love is deep and keeps growing deeper in depth in time.

3. Infatuation wants sex now and waiting can be very fatal. Love can wait and it’s willing to wait and delay sex until the time is right.

4. Infatuation is up and down emotionally. It can claim to be in Love now and the fall out of Love overnight. But love is stable and very consistent

5. Infatuation is only in love with just an aspect of the person like the guys money, her boobs, Ass, Face, etc. But Love is not in because of an aspect of the person. It’s in love with the entire person, the whole.

6. Infatuation is fickle and dry. But Love is faithful and warm.

7. Infatuation will daydream and cannot sleep, eat or concentrate because of someone they just met. But love has proper perspective. It very normal and will go about his or her normal activities of the day without being caught up with worrisome thoughts.

8. Infatuation is hostile and would break-up at the slightest irritations. But love is friendly and would grow stronger in the face of irritations.

9. Infatuation focuses and emphasizes only physical beauty but Love focuses and emphasis more of character than physical beauty.

10. Infatuation will seek to enrich self at the expense of the other. Love will seek to enrich the other at the expense of self.

11. Infatuation is in to get only. Infatuation is a getter. But Love is in to give. Love is a giver.

12. Infatuation is Self-focused but genuine love is other-person focused.

13. Infatuation is emotion based but Love is devotion based.

14. Infatuation will quit when the feelings die but Love will stick with an unwavering commitment in feelings or out of feelings.

15. Infatuation will accept the other person only when they meet certain standard and condition but Love provides unconditional acceptance of the other person.

16. Genuine love is focused and committed to only one person. An infatuated individual may be in love with two or more persons at the same time. Love has singularity and commitment. It is focused on one person.

17. Infatuation will cheat. Love is faithful

18. Infatuation is possessive and will restrain the other person from mixing others. It turns a partner from a soul mate into a cell mate. But Love is just the opposite. It will allow the other person full freedom to chat and fully relate with other people.

19. Infatuation has an idealized Image of the other person. It only see’s their strength. Love has a realistic view of the other person and see’s both their strengths and weaknesses.

20. Infatuation avoids pressure and will quit at the slight sight of problem. But Love will stick and work through challenges and problems in the relationship. Thanks for reading and please share this post.

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