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Saturday, 13 April 2013

HOW TO KNOW YOUR MAN IS SLEEPING. Twitter @AndyQwas. Bb pin 2326600E (For Single Ladies)

1. If your man is asleep, you need to wake him up before he does something foolish which will affect your future. In fact, it is foolish of you to be in a relationship with a man who is asleep. To be asleep is to have a wrong perception of life and what it demands from you.

2. He is asleep if he has no clear vision, plan or purpose for his life. Ask your man what he wants to be in the next 10 years. If he cannot give you a simple answer, the dude is asleep.

3. He is asleep if he does not nurture you emotionally, spiritually and mentally. The process of nurturing is what deepens the level of intimacy in your relationship.

4. He is asleep is he doesn’t listen to you when you talk. He may not agree with you but a man who likes you and wants you in his life ought to listen to you and understand what you are saying. He should understand your pain and your pleasure. If he doesn’t understand you then he is asleep.

5. A man who says he wants to get married to you but has no money is a joker. Please ask him nicely, ‘How will you put food on the table when we get married?’ He doesn’t need to be a ‘millionaire’, but he should have enough to handle his responsibilities.

6. If he thinks that ‘you are his wife already’,- even though he has not done all that is required to make you his wife-and demands sex from you like a whore, he is asleep and probably having a nightmare. Until he puts that ring on it, he is NOT your husband and should stop deceiving himself.

7. A man who finds it difficult to devote time to you has no idea what is going on, he is in la-la-land and having a dream. If he really loves you and wants you in his life, he will call you, listen to you, spend time with you and devote a good portion of his time to you. Love is a verb. It is not enough to say it. He should show it.

8. If he wants to live off you, that is, collect money from you, spend your money, use your money to buy his toys and change his wardrobe, he is a sleeping joker. That dude should man up and get a job or leave you alone, unless of course you want to suffer for the rest of your life with a man who is asleep.

9. If he wants you in his life, he should treat you with honour and respect. You should stop enabling bad, unhealthy behaviour. Stop making excuses for him. You are NOT his mother! Stop mothering him. If you encourage a man who is asleep to continue in his sleep, your relationship will become nothing but a terrible nightmare. What else do you expect from a man who is asleep? If you want a happy relationship and an awesome future, wake that man up!

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I am De Love Guru, skilled in the art of Love and relationship bliss. Welcome to my world.

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