1. HE BIGS HIMSELF UP A LOT. Men are quite egotistical but men who elevate themselves onto a perch where they can look down at other guys and say how great they are, have mastered the art of being a playa. They make you believe they are better than every other guy out there for you. They make you see the harm you could come to if you were with some of the other guys they know so that they can distract you from what they are doing.
2. A PLAYA IS VERY SECRETIVE: When his/her phone rings or beeps with a text message, do they race for it? Haven’t you asked yourself what they are trying to hide by being shady about taking or receiving calls? Are they always taking calls in another room when you’re there? Would they get angry if you answered the phone? Do they look nervous if you to use their phone? Are they taking calls late at night? You are dating or married to a playa
3. OFF AND ON: Do they disappear for periods of time with little or no explanation? I once had an ex tell me she was going out for an hour and she returned 19 hours later the following day. Guess what? She was promptly dumped.
4. PLAYAS WON'T FOLLOW THE NORMAL PATTERNS OF GETTING YOUR NUMBER AND ASKING YOU OUT. He will call you at unpredictable times or tell you to call him. He will disappear and reappear, not caring about how you feel. He will come up with excuses that don't seem right or just make things up. BE WISE.
5. HE ALWAYS CALLS LATE OR AT A CERTAIN TIME. This person is either juggling different partners or just treating you like a booty call. If you are a booty call, I would advise to sound the alarm bell. Something is wrong.
6. FLIRTING: This person FLIRTS with different people but tells you that they are just being nice and friendly. They are not. He or she is flirting. If you are In a committed relationship, then stick with your one partner and stop poking your emotions In the wrong places.
7. HE IS SMOOTH, TOO SMOOTH. When a guy knows all the right things to say, the right places to take you to, the right orders to make, the right gifts to give you and seems to never make any mistakes concerning your tastes and your likes, he may just be a playa. For a guy to be that good, he must have had lots of practice. He may tell you that he ‘reads a lot’ and keeps his ears to the ground, he is ‘street wise’, but that may not be the truth. He may be so knowledgeable about the needs of women because he spends a lot of time hanging around women.
8. SEXUAL RUSH: Has this person mentioned sexual stuff even though you barely know them? Let your alarm bells ring out when a guy or a lady approaches you and slip in something sexual, something far too over familiar very early into the conversation. Men that are focused on getting a peek at your vagina rather than getting to know you are playas. They don’t mean you any good!
9. WONDERING EYES: When you talk to this person in a public place, does their eye wander around to other women or men as they walk by? This is a clear sign of a player syndrom and if it’s a consistent habit, it’s a sign of a person that’s not interested in playing one on one.
10. FRIENDS TO OTHER PLAYA: Do they hang out with lots of playa friends? If their best friends are other playa, womanizers, sex maniacs, clubbers, men that abuse, cheaters, then the truth is, that’s who they also are. Our friends are a revelation of who we are. If you have spoken to them and yet won’t work o changing their friends, then it’s time to cut off what you call a relationship.
11. THEY HAVE SEVERAL CHILDREN BY SEVERAL DIFFERENT PARTNERS. Pay close attention to anyone that has clocked up several children by several different partners. I have seen a lady that has several children from different men. It not only screams irresponsible and drama, it screams playa extraordinaire.
12. THE EX’S KEEP SHOWING UP OR CALLING. This person has a lot of loose ends that he/she clearly hasn’t dealt with or that he or she may not want to deal with because they enjoy the attention. Also be wary of mystery women that show up or call. They can’t all be women that have a silly crush on him that he hasn’t encouraged.
13. BAD IMAGE: The image most ladies have in their minds is this; a man who knows the right things to say, the right things to do and is very smooth. It is every lady’s dream to meet such a man who “UNDERSTANDS ME PERFECTLY”. He knows what I need instinctively. He seems to be able to read my mind. We flow automatically.’ Lady, you just described a playa. How come he knows so much about making a woman feel good and comfortable with him? How did he learn these things? If this guy just seems to know what to do without your telling him, trust me, he’s had lots of practice with many other women. This marks him out as a potential playa.
14. HIS FRIENDS & FAMILY TELL OR HINT TO YOU THAT THIS PERSON IS A PLAYA. These are your social references. Don’t ignore them. If a previous employer of yours that knows you and your work ethic told your next employer that you weren’t suitable, would you expect them to hire you?
15. YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY THINK HE’S A PLAYA. Often our friends and family are able to spot the unsuitability of partners but we always fail to recognize it and only really listen after we’ve broken up with them.
16. THEY FLIRT WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY. If this person can’t behave around your nearest and dearest, then they have serious playa issues.
17. HE HASN’T INTRODUCED YOU TO HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY. He is sweet mouthed and just too sweet BUT If you’ve been together for more than 3-6 months, it is particularly odd if you haven’t met his friends. What is he or she hiding? Or from who is this person hiding?
18. THEY DON’T CALL OR SHOW UP WHEN THEY SAID THEY WOULD: This shows a blatant disrespect for you and your time. When it’s occasional you can let it go, but when it happens consistently, I would question what is preoccupying his time.
19. HE LAVISHES YOU WITH GIFTS TO MAKE UP FOR THE THINGS THAT HE HAS DONE WRONG. I’m not averse to women receiving gifts from men but be careful when he thinks that he can always buy his way out of his wrong doings.
20. HOT & COLD- The person starts off so hot. They tell you , “I can’t wait to see you”, “I can’t believe how wonderful you are,” “I think I love you,” “You’re my soul mate”. But once you give them the sign that they are starting to win you over, they disappear for a few days/weeks without much contact. They have a lot of people they’re stringing along, so they have to conserve energy. Players love the chase, but get bored of the conquered. They are all talk and no action (“we should do this,” “I want to take you here”), but they never follow through.
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