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I am Andy Kwas

A seasoned guide in love, relationships and Matters of the heart. I am De Love Guru.

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Monday, 18 August 2014



Dad, I knew you were going to pass on but didn't know it will be this soon. It was last night the 16th of August, 2014 at exactly 8:30pm you took a long sleep and never work up.

I'll never forget when Efe called to tell me "Dad is gone". I remember how my trembling lips blurted out in shock, "Gooonnneee? Tooo whereeeee?

And the tears have not stopped flowing till now. I am yet to recover from the shock of your sudden departure & the hurt is the same like an open wound.

Dad, do you know I was awake the whole night just reminiscing over old photos and remembering those happy times we shared when you were alive?

Having you around all these years was like hanging unto a rock, strong, faithful and true. May God give me the fortitude to bear this loss.

It a known fact that out of all your kids, I am your most look alike. Is that why your departure left me with so much pain?

I hope that one day I will see you again. Don't tell me you didn't make heaven because am sure you did.

Sleep well dad till we meet to part no more. I love you world's best dad and I will miss you forever. It shall end in praise.

Your son,

NB: Thanks to everyone who has called, sent condolence messages & cared enough to ask "How are you"? God Bless you.

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