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I am Andy Kwas

A seasoned guide in love, relationships and Matters of the heart. I am De Love Guru.

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Monday, 20 May 2013

MESSAGE FOR GAYS AND LESBIANS. BB pin 2326600E. Twitter @AndyQwas

 Perhaps you are dissatisfied with your sexual orientation and would like to be straight. Or, perhaps you are straight now but feel urges to try homosexual activity. Or, perhaps you are perfectly happy the way you are, but want to see what this is all about. CONSIDER THESE 8 FACTS:



2. HOMOSEXUALS ARE MADE, NOT BORN 'THAT WAY.' You became a homosexual or a lesbian when one of Satan's demons detected your susceptibility to demonic influence. This susceptibility could have been brought to you by a same-sex friend who was also troubled by a demon. Or perhaps a demon convinced you were a man in a woman's body or vice versa. Meaning, to be free, you need that demonic spirit to be cast out of you.

3. BURIED UNDER THE 'GAY' EXTERIOR OF THE HOMOSEXUAL ARE THE HURT, RAGE AND WOUNDS that crippled your capacity for healthy love with the opposite sex. Homosexuality is a learned response to EARLY PAINFUL EXPERIENCES and it can be unlearned.

4. GOD IS YOUR MANUFACTURER, AND HAS PROVIDED A USER MANUAL FOR YOU CALLED THE BIBLE. Any responsible manufacturer knows the operating parameters of his/her product. Therefore, he/she outlines the guidelines for use and maintenance which are necessary for proper, trouble-free operation.

5. GOD DIDN'T MANUFACTURE YOU IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF HIS OWN USER MANUAL. You were not born a homosexual. You became one after birth.

6. FAILURE TO OPERATE A MECHANISM ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS IN THE USER MANUAL WILL CAUSE PROBLEMS. Sometimes these problems will develop over a long time. Never adding or changing the oil in your new car is an example. You may be able to drive tens of thousands of miles before the engine will stop.

7. THE BIBLE FORBIDS HOMOSEXUAL AND LESBIAN RELATIONSHIPS. However, He fully endorses sex between married persons. "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." Lev. 18:22

8. BEING A SEXUAL PERVERT IS THE WORK OF SATAN AND HIS DEMONS. They contaminated your normal, God-given sexual desires and twisted it in an attempt to mock “THE IMAGE OF GOD” in you. Being GAY or a LESBIAN is not normal. It is ABNORMAL, which means, “Abnormal Use”.


1. Understand that God Loves you and wants you perfectly normal
2. Understand that God is not angry with you. He simply doesn’t like your lifestyle and if you continue, God will have no choice but to land you in Hell.
3. Million of GAYS and LESBIANS have found freedom in Jesus and so can you. Nothing is impossible. You can be free….NOW.
4. Forgive anyone whom you think must have hurt you.
5. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal savior. Do it now if you have not.
6. Find a Bible and start reading. Start with the Book of Saint John. Read a chapter a day and be consistent.
7. Find a good Pentecostal church and start attending.
8. You must find a way and open up to the pastor of the church. Let go of shame.
9. Tell the pastor YOU NEED DELIVERANCE. Homosexuality and lesbianism is a spirit. During deliverance, that spirit is cast out in the name of JESUS CHRIST.
10. You will notice after the prayer of deliverance that your desires and passions are gone without any struggle. Go and try it now. Trust me on this one.
11. Ask the pastor to fill you with the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. Then start praying in tongues for al least 30mins daily on your own.
12. Cut off some friends. Some of your old friends has to go.
13. You must also avoid some certain environment that has capacity to trigger your hunger again.
14. Start attending church regularly. Fast at least once a week and read your Bible everyday.
FINAL NOTE: If you will follow these 14 steps I have outlined above, you will come out clean and you will notice that you are perfectly normal again. My prayer is that you will seriously consider this solution before you zap to another part of cyberspace.

Have you started following me on twitter @AndyQwas? I told you I will gladly follow back.
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Be my friend on Facebook with all pleasure. The name is Andy D-LoveGuru
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You can also chat with me on whatsapp via +233269745170.
I am De Love Guru, skilled in the art of Love and relationship bliss. Welcome to my world.

Saturday, 11 May 2013


Two couples once wrote to me and said their marriages are collapsing along with the economy. Nkem and her husband, Walter, are coping with mounting debt while Joyce says she's tired of being the sole provider in her household while her husband, Leonard, depends on his faith to see them through. How do you pull a relationship through a tough time? (Couples names used with permission). Here are 6 suggestions.

1) ACKNOWLEDGE AND WORK THE PROBLEM: When the heat is on, don't take your anger out on your spouse. "You get in trouble, you get pressure on you, and what you do is called reflexive biting. You start snapping at the person around you, and you begin to feel isolated and alone. You've got to turn to your partner and say, 'Look, we're in a bad spot here, and we're going to deal with this together.

2) IDENTIFY THE STRESSORS IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP: As the nation experiences an economic downturn, remember the problem is not your partner, but high interest rates, accumulating debt and looming unemployment. "Aim your guns in the right place. Once you have identified the issues, work together to find viable solutions.

3) HAVE EMOTIONAL INTEGRITY: Effective communication begins with honesty. "If you say you're going to look for a job in earnest, then look for a job. Don't say it if you don't mean it." Be open to receiving input from your partner even at the expense of your ego.

4) BE WILLING TO ASK FOR HELP: "Think about yourself as being at the bottom of a steep hill, and you're trying to pull a wagon up to the top of the hill. If you're both pulling it up the hill, you're going to get there. If one of you is pulling left and one of you is puling right, you're expending a lot of energy, and the wagon's not moving at all. Don't be afraid to admit that you can't manage the household debt alone, or that you're getting in over your head with credit cards.

5) LIST PRIORITIES, VALUES AND GOALS: It's not all about money. Both of you need to sit down and talk. List down your priorities, your values and goals and then plan along these lines. Make a plan. Find a way that the values of both partners can be honored. "It's like two corporations merging, and you need to have a board meeting.

6) HAVE AN ACTION PLAN: Dreams can motivate you to strive for the stars, but sometimes, you have to get your head out of the clouds. "The difference between a dream and a plan is a timeline. You've got to do checkups on yourself and ask, 'Am I moving forward? Devise a realistic schedule that you and your spouse can get excited about.

7. Share your experience with us. How did you pull through your own tough time. This is point number 7. Thanks for reading and please tell someome about my blog. Have you started following me on twitter? I told you I will gladly follow back. My twitter handle is @AndyQwas.

Have you ever shared my Bb Pin 2326600E with your friends?
Be my friend on Facebook with all pleasure. The name is Andy D-LoveGuru
Also like my facebook page by clicking on the facebook link up right now.
You can also chat with me on whatsapp via +233269745170.
I am De Love Guru, skilled in the art of Love and relationship bliss. Welcome to my world.

Friday, 10 May 2013

12 STRATEGIES TO CREATE FINANCIAL AND MARITAL HARMONY. Follow me on Twitter @AndyQwas. Bb Pin 2326600E.

1. MONEY CAN RUIN YOUR MARRIAGE. In fact, it's the number one problem in marriages and the number one cause of divorce.

2. THE COMMITMENT IF TWO LIVES. Dont ever underestimate the commitment in merging two lives together. The reason we fight most about money is because it's the most measurable. Sure, compromises also need to be made when it comes to issues of time, space and affection, but with money, the give and take is quantifiable.

3. STICK WITH SET GUIDELINES: In a relationship, each partner need to be comfortable with any guidelines set especially in the area of money and don't build resentment if you've agreed to it.

4. CREAT BALANCE: While financial independence is important, it must be balanced with accountability. Don't hide your spending habits from your spouse. Live within the boundaries you set and always consult your spouse before purchasing big items.

5. DONT LIVE A FAIRYTALE! Don't live a fairytale! Get real about how much money you have. Set a realistic budget and financial goals. Don't justify purchasing something you can't afford.

6. HAVE THIS UNDERSTANDING that Emotional problems can't be solved with money. Take a hard look at what's really behind your spending habits.

7. WATCH THIS. Don't let yourself get taken advantage of. Are you working 80 hours a week just so your spouse can live beyond your means? That's not being a partner; that's being a paycheck, and it won't fix the problem.

8. DO THIS. Negotiate, and then renegotiate when necessary. You made these life decisions together, and you can change them together.

9. EDUCATE YOURSELF. Marriage is a partnership, and both individuals need to be well-informed. Many problems — especially when it comes to money — stem from lack of knowledge.

10. ASK YOURSELF. When a financial issue comes up, ask yourself: Is it really a money problem or is it a relationship problem?

11. DONT DO THIS. Dont use money as a weapon against your partner.

12. JOINT vs. SEPARATE ACCOUNTS. I suggests separate accounts, because it's important to have independence and your own discretionary money.

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I am De Love Guru, skilled in the art of Love and relationship bliss. Welcome to my world.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


Let me show you 10 ways to show your partner you are truly committed to him or her. Use these 10 ways to demonstrate to your partner that your commitment will stand the test of time. Share this post after reading.

1. STOP THREATENING TO LEAVE. Nothing shows a lack of commitment like talking about walking away. We’ve all been there — the argument gets heated and it’s the same argument you’ve had a thousand times. Your mind starts to think, “My life would be so much easier if I were gone …” While it’s completely normal to have these thoughts, it does nothing for the level of commitment your partner feels from you.

2. YOU HAVE NO LONG-TERM PLANS TOGETHER: Have you taken some time with your partner to develop plans for the future? Have you planned a vacation, talk about buying a house, share dreams about what you’re going to do when you retire. Yes it seems far away and but thats the point!

3. TOUCH YOUR PARTNER: If you are not married, jump this point now. If you are married, Nothing communicates support like physical intimacy. By touching your partner — a hug while they are cooking dinner, an unexpected kiss — you reinforce your commitment to them. And casual touching can convey commitment because it shows a level of familiarity and ease that is hard to find outside of a long-term relationship. Pay the price by getting married and you too can touch.

4. SPEAK HIS/HER LOVE LANGUAGE: When you communicate your love in a way that is meaningful to your partner, it shows your commitment. It also shows you have taken the time to understand what makes him/her tick and they know that you will be by his/her side through thick and thin. Have you read "The 5 Love Languages?"

5. RELIVE YOUR HISTORY: One of the great things about a relationship is the shared history that you have with your partner. A fun way to demonstrate your commitment is to relive that history. Plan a picnic to the spot where he proposed. Go out to dinner at the restaurant where you first kissed. Rent the movie you watched when you first held hands. Revisiting these shared moments strengthens your bond and shows your partner that you are committed to keeping the love alive.

6. GET CREATIVE: Everyone loves physical reminders of why they are valued. Your partner is dying to get one from you. Write a poem about your partner’s best qualities. Make him/her a mix of all their favorite ’80s songs. Give a photo book with pictures of your love over the years. These tangible reminders of the times you’ve been together not only send a strong message of commitment — they can be fun to make too.

7. DAILY COMMUNICATE: Dont ever let a day pass without talking or communicating with your partner. Communication is the blood life of any relationship. No matter where you both are, find a way to connect and stay in touch.

8. SHOW SUPPORT: When your partner is feeling down, he/she doesn’t need you rubbing his/her face in the dirt. You are the one, maybe the only one, he/she can turn to. Showing that you support him/her even when they are wrong is an incredible demonstration of your intention to stay by his/her side, no matter what.

9. LISTEN MORE TO HOW HE OR SHE FEELS: In this day and age of innumerable distractions, we hardly listens anymore. We are all so busy planning what we will say next that we don’t really hear what the other person is saying. If you take the time to truly listen to your partner without planning your response, your partner will feel like you understand them in a way that no one else does. And that’s a great recipe for happiness.

10. FOLLOW THROUGH WITH YOUR COMMITMENT: One of the best ways to show you are committed is to follow through with what you said. If you say something to your partner, then follow through till you have done it. When you follow through with these commitments, it shows your partner that you value him/her — and the relationship — above everything else.

Have you started following me on twitter? I told you I will gladly follow back. My twitter handle is @AndyQwas.
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Be my friend on Facebook with all pleasure. The name is Andy D-LoveGuru
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You can also chat with me on whatsapp via +233269745170.
I am De Love Guru, skilled in the art of Love and relationship bliss. Welcome to my world.

Monday, 6 May 2013

THE 9 CATEGORY OF LOVERS. Bb Pin 232600E. Twitter @AndyQwas.

Building a Relationship is like watching a movie with a remote control in your hand. You can hit the PLAY button to watch the movie straight on or you can intermittently Stop, Rewind, Fast ward, Slow motion, Eject, Pause, Repeat or even Record the movie. Permit me to use the same terms on your remote control to analyze the 9 categories of Lovers.


1. LOVERS ON STOP: These are tired lovers who feel they can’t love again. They have resigned themselves from the game of Love. Such people feel they are not lucky in the game of love. They want to love but they always say, “I don’t have a heart to love again”. They have given up on love.
REASON: They are in pains. They have been hurt bitterly in the past. Such people have unfinished biz with their past. They have issues they are yet to resolve. These unfinished businesses are called wounds.

2. LOVERS ON PAUSE: These are people who are stuck to a particular painful experience in their past. Time has moved and age is telling fast on them but internally, they have not moved a step since the event happened. Such events could range from rape, abortion, divorce, relationship break up, turned down proposals, death of someone so dear, loss of a sweet relationship, etc. The pain is so fresh that it seem as though it just happened yesterday. To such people, the past is their releality. They have never lived and will never live until they can resolve the issues they have with their past. Some are stuck to 2011, 2005, 2000, 1990. Are you a lover on pause?

3. LOVERS ON REWIND: These lovers have a hole, a vacuum in their heart that they believe nothing in their present can fill. They believe their best years is in their past, their yesterday. If they must be happy, they must recall their source of Joy to something beautiful in their past. Such people tell beautiful stories a lot but it’s all connected to their past. They criticize their present and don’t believe it can be as good as it was yesterday. Are you a lover on rewind?
REASON: They are hurting. They have unfinished biz with their past. They have to break with their past, resolve it and move on. Life is not lived by looking backward. Imagine driving a car and looking at the rear mirror. You will simply hurt yourself.

EJECT LOVERS: Lovers on Eject Mode are mostly divorcees and people whose heart have been broken. They don’t believe in love at all. In their philosophy, Love is a fantasy, a dream and a mirage. They have ejected themselves from the game of love. They see Love Gurus like us as lairs and deceivers. They hate marriages, and don’t believe in love. Another category of such people are perverts like gays and lesbians. To them, Love can only be found in another source because for some reasons unknown to them, the real source did not work for them.
REASON: They use to believe in love until someone hurt them so bitterly. Such people who hurt them could range from a lover, a dad, a close relative, an uncle, etc. Now they are in Pain and highly negative toward anything called love. Such people have unfinished biz with their past. The truth is: they are badly in need of love and have concluded it’s simply impossible to find love except through a perverted medium or none at all.

LOVERS ON RECORD: Have you noticed that whatever you have on record is stored and preserved? I consider this group as singles guys who are anointed to date a woman but will never commit to her. The relationship is on, playing but from an unreal perspective. Single ladies, Look for a man that value your worth enough to commit to you. Note that guy that keep promising you marriage, daring you with no concluding date, claiming things are still tight for him and is scared to seal a commitment to you with a wedding ceremony. Marriage has nothing to do with being wealthy but it has everything to do with making a commitment to settle down. Anyone who is not willing to sign that marriage contract doesn't value your worth to settle down with you. If you see a guy who is ready to take you to the altar, give him the best of your life. He deserves it. Lovers on Record are endless daters. The cannot commit.
REASON: Fear, fear and fear

LOVERS IN SLOW MOTION: These people are the closest group to being normal but are still very sick. They are very slow in what they do. Their real problem is fear, lack of trust and suspiciousness. They believe in love but are scared. Such fears ranges from fear to propose, fear to love again, fear to make of commitment, fear to say yes to a proposal, fear of falling in love. Can’t trust anyone. Suspects everyone. They are slow in making a commitment to anything. Their best slogan, “once bitten, twice shy. REASON: They are scared to love again because of unfinished biz with their past. They are so scared to love again so they don’t increase their pain.

LOVERS ON REPEAT: People in this category are mostly addicts. These are people who live their lives in circles. They have so much activities but little productivity. They are stuck to the same mistake all their life. They are addicted to something that is killing them but they simply can’t stop. Repeat lovers continues in the pattern of repeating a painful past that makes their life move in circles. If you are presently addicted to anything, you are in this category.

FAST-FORWARD LOVERS: These are desperate lovers.  They don’t know how to play normal. They are in great haste and very impatient. They don’t know how to wait. If they need something but don’t know how to get it, they will scheme and manipulate. They are desperate to marry and will do anything to woo a mate, male or female. They attend weddings a lot wishing all the time is their wedding. Their life is all about relationship and marriage. They don’t know how to make a relationship  play normal. They rush it so it ends before it even starts.  Because they are desperate, they end up making very stupid mistakes that ruin their relationship. Such people can’t hold themselves. They can even propose marriage on their first day of meeting.
REASON: These are running from a pain in their past. They are using hurting people who use the future and what it can be for them as a tool of escaping from their present pains and sorrow. They have unfinished biz with their past. They have wounds, issues yet unresolved with their past.

PLAY LOVERS: Among the 9 group of lovers, this is the only healthy group that is normal. I will tweet the 10 steps on how to enter into this group. Follow me on twitter now. But below are a few points to get you started. These group have been able to resolve their past issues. They have dealt with their past. One sign you are in this group is being able to freely talk about issues you were once ashamed to talk about or a subject no one dare not mentioned in your hearing and now you are calm both hearing and talking about it.


1. Never bury a painful past. Resolve it by talking. “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed”. Secrets are emotional poison. They will hunt you down till they crush you. A secret is anything you know that no one knows. If your secret is evil, you find find someone whom you can trust and confide in to talk to. You should also know that thats why we are here. Lets chat. You can talk to me either on bb or whats app.
2. Work on yourself. Stop pointing fingers at anyone. Take responsibility.
3. Forgive anyone that has hurt you, both dead and alive. Forgive yourself too.
4. Ask God to help. Jesus is an expert in resolving painful past. Ask him to help you right now.
5. Fall in love with yourself again. Follow me on twitter now to read the remaining 5 hot points now.

Have you started following me on twitter? I told you I will gladly follow back. My twitter handle is @AndyQwas.
Have you ever shared my Bb Pin 2326600E with your friends?
Be my friend on Facebook with all pleasure. The name is Andy D-LoveGuru
Also like my facebook page by clicking on the facebook link up right now.
You can also chat with me on whatsapp via +233269745170.
I am De Love Guru, skilled in the art of Love and relationship bliss. Welcome to my world.

Thursday, 2 May 2013


FINANCIAL STRUGGLE; There's no denying THE FACT that money is responsible for a big chunk of relationship problems. The tough economic climate doesn't help, but even in the best of times, most couples will go through a rough patch.

THE INLAWS;You met the parents, the parents met the parents, and the wedding went smoothly with both sides of the family. Whoa, did you have it easy! But even if you made it through all that, you're not done yet. Couples can still expect to struggle with extended-family issues, like how often the grandparents will visit, and what boundaries to set.

WHEN THE KIDS BEGIN TO ARRIVE; As blissfully happy as you may be with your new baby, this adjustment period, during which you struggle to figure out who picks up the baby when she cries or finds childcare, is a rough one.It can definitely lead to some rocky moments.'You just need to give yourselves time to figure out how to share the responsibilities.

WHEN THE KIDS BEGINS TO GROW UP; Once your children are old enough to talk and maybe even dress themselves, you can both take care of them and manage to get a daily shower. That'll get your relationship back to normal, right? Not so fast! If you do not watch it; your parenting decisions can divide you as a couple. You should both be comfortable with what you teach your child.So find a compromise that encompasses both of your values, such as, 'We won't lie to the kids, but some details they don’t need to know until they’re older' before you put the little one in the middle of your opposing views.

SEX ISSUE. Whether you're dealing with tough issues outside of your marriage, or simply can't find the spark, most long-term couples find their sex lives ebb and flow. Sex can be a major source of trouble if not properly managed.

WHEN FACING A MAJOR DECISION. Be it whether to accept a new job or when to start trying for another baby, two can be a crowd when it comes to decision-making. Frankly, even less life-changing but still important decisions, like home remodelling, can be a source of stress. For big decisions, try making your own pros and cons lists, and then discussing them together. For smaller choices, try to work out a compromise before you're in an overcrowded public setting, or agree to disagree until you get home and can discuss calmly and in private.

THE EMOTIONAL DRYNESS. Much like you might get sick of eating even your favourite salad for lunch every day, you may go through the uncomfortable period of just not feeling connected to your partner. As the years pass, kids, jobs, and other commitments take up more of your time, and while you may think your relationship will nonetheless remain strong, it can suffer. Make time to consciously be together, even if it's just sitting on the couch, touching and being emotionally connected rather than just being in the same room.

THE UNPREDICTABLE TRAGEDY. You've probably figured out how to deal with little daily stresses by now, but unfortunately, it's also common to get walloped by unpredictable ones — like facing an addiction, an affair, job loss, or chronic illness. Maybe your mother passed away unexpectedly, or your husband was diagnosed with diabetes. Sadly, there's no easy solution when events like this pop up, and they might continue disrupting your lives for some time. It may be frustrating or heartbreaking, but the key is to know you're in good company. 'Recognize that rough patches — or rough years — are normal in even the best couple relationships:

AS AGE COMES. You're not ready for the early bird special just yet, but your wild-child days seem increasingly far away. Nostalgia for the sweet flirtation of a new relationship or the excitement of your first job might make you feel stagnant in your older, wiser state. A little midlife crisis is normal, but it doesn’t have to spur a rough patch in your relationship. Instead, exploring a personal passion can help you bring excitement back into your partnership, and shift a negative or stuck dynamic.

A BIG FIGHT OVER NOTHING. There are major issues couples commonly squabble over — like sex, money, and kids, all of which we’ll get to in a minute — but if you're going through a rough spot over what seems like nothing at all, you're not alone. 'Marriage is a lightning rod that absorbs stress from every source — past and present. When stress gets high enough, even the best couple can look like the most dysfunctional one. Just about anything can turn into an epic battle, including something as insignificant as which knife to use to properly cut a tomato. To stop the stressful cycle, take a deep breath and before your scream, think about whether the knife is really the problem. And if you already blew up, apologize and explain what's actually bothering you before it turns into a bigger issue

Thanks for reading. Please share this hot article with every couple you know and dont forget to drop your comment below right now. Follow me on twitter @AndyQwas. Tell someone about my blog if it has help you in anyway: God bless you:

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

10 SECRETS YOU MUST NEVER TELL HIM I TAUGHT YOU. Twitter @AndyQwas & Bb Pin @ 2326600E

The 10 Secrets are hidden and coded in 10 Questions which you must answer. If you can find the answers to these Questions, then you have also found the secrets I said you must never tell him. Lets Talk:

SECRET #1: NURTURANCE. Can you mummy him? Ladies, do you know that a man’s life is a journey to find the happiness he once felt inside the womb of his mother? Could you imagine the repercussions if you were able to make him feel this way? You wouldn’t be able to get rid of him! The great thing is nurturance is one of your most basic female instincts. Most guys do want that little tiny bit of mommy in a girlfriend. This is secret number 1

SECRET #2: Can you make him feel like a king anytime He is around you? Can you bring out the man out of him? Do you know what to do?  This is secret number 2

SECRET #3: Do you know the true meaning of submission? Can you truly submit to him? Can you come under? Can you be quiet when he talks? This is secret number 3.

SECRET #4: Can you give him what no girl can give him? Hmmm! There are 7 things you can give a Man which no girl can give him. A topic for another day. Sex is the least thing to consider. If good sex is all you have as a tool to give a guy, its just a matter of time before he will walk away. You are highly replaceable. This is secret number 4

SECRET #5: Can you support his dreams. Can you be his number one Fan or are you always attacking his dreams and plans anytime he shares them with you?  This is secret number 5. Be his nuber one fan.

SECRET #6: Can you stop depending too much on him? I know he is the head and therefore should provide for you. But everyman wants a woman who can assist from time to time and not throwing her whole life burden on him. Men love independent women. This is secret number 6.

SECRET #7: Can he just have some peace around you? Can you stop Nagging him? Can you stop repeating the facts that you have need of something? Can you stop complaining too much? Constantly complaining over your unmet needs only drives him far. This is secret number 7

SECRET #8: Can you stop correcting him? Can you stop teaching him? His ego will fight you if you do. There are ways to pass a truth he cant see to a him. Stop sitting over his life as his teacher even if he just gave his life to Christ yesterday and you have been Born Again for years. Dont. This is secret number 8

SECRET #9: Can you stop acting Like a Man? The real beauty of a woman is in her ability to be feminine. Act, talk and walk like a woman. This is secret number 9.

SECRET #10: Can you be more attractive physically? Can you look again at your wardrobe? Have you found his taste? Can you start dressing more attractively? Now i didnt say expose your boobs and tighs! I just said be more attractive with your dressing. If you dont know how, then ask someone who does. Never confuse attractive dressing to sexual dressing. This is secret number 10.

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I am De Love Guru, skilled in the art of Love and relationship bliss. Welcome to my world.

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